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Susana Scott: Trailblazing Disability Advocacy through Brematson Disability Advocates

Redefining Inclusivity, Empowering Lives, and Transforming Communities

In a world that often overlooks the challenges faced by individuals with disabilities, Susana Scott has emerged as a visionary leader and advocate for disability rights. Through her groundbreaking organization, Brematson Disability Advocates, Scott is revolutionizing the landscape of disability advocacy, inspiring change, and transforming lives. With an unwavering commitment to inclusivity, empowerment, and policy reform, Scott’s journey serves as a testament to the power of resilience and the impact one person can make.

The story of Susana Scott’s remarkable journey begins with a life-altering event—the birth of her daughter, who was diagnosed with Spina Bifida. This pivotal moment ignited Scott’s passion for championing the rights of individuals with disabilities. Drawing on her extensive experience as a former Special Assistant to the Minister and President of the Treasury Board, Scott founded Brematson Disability Advocates in 2004. Since then, her organization has become a driving force in navigating government processes and advocating for effective policy reforms.

At the heart of Brematson Disability Advocates is the belief that every individual, regardless of ability, deserves equal opportunities, support, and access to resources. Scott’s vision is rooted in the idea that disability should not define a person’s potential, but rather, serve as a catalyst for change and innovation. By providing vital case management solutions and advocating for systemic reforms, Scott and her organization empower individuals with disabilities to lead fulfilling lives and actively participate in their communities.

One of the key aspects of Brematson Disability Advocates’ success is Scott’s extensive knowledge of government processes and her ability to navigate complex bureaucratic systems. Through her experiences in the government, she has developed a deep understanding of legislative frameworks and regulations that impact individuals with disabilities. This expertise allows her to effectively advocate for change and ensure that the voices of disabled individuals are heard at the highest levels of decision-making.

In addition to her advocacy work, Scott has actively sponsored initiatives aimed at promoting inclusivity and raising awareness within the disability community. Her support of the Society for Manitobans with Disabilities (SMD) All Abilities Dance Group and the SMD Dancing with Celebrities fundraiser has created platforms for disabled individuals to showcase their talents and foster a sense of community. Furthermore, her collaboration with the City of Winnipeg’s Sponsor Winnipeg initiative has resulted in groundbreaking programs at the Millennium Library, including the Adaptive Book Collection for children with learning disabilities and the Sign-A-Story program for deaf children. Through these initiatives, Scott continues to bridge gaps and promote equal opportunities for individuals of all abilities.

Scott’s captivating speeches and inspiring TEDx talk have made a lasting impact on audiences worldwide. Her ability to shed light on the challenges faced by individuals with disabilities and convey the importance of inclusivity has resonated with people from all walks of life. By sharing her personal journey and insights, Scott has become a beacon of hope and inspiration, motivating others to join the movement for change.

The impact of Scott’s advocacy extends beyond inspirational speeches and initiatives. She has played a pivotal role in driving policy changes to ensure accessibility and equal rights for individuals with disabilities. Through her lobbying efforts, Scott successfully influenced the Provincial government to implement accessibility rights legislation in Manitoba. This groundbreaking legislation, including the Accessibility Advisory Council Act and strong accessibility-rights laws, has transformed the lives of individuals with disabilities, removing barriers and promoting inclusivity.

Scott’s commitment to making a difference in the disability community is further exemplified by her role as a board member of Variety Manitoba, a children’s charity. In this capacity, she chairs the Community Engagement Committee, which evaluates and recommends marketing initiatives to support Variety’s fundraising and marketing goals. Through her leadership, Scott amplifies the organization’s mission to improve the lives of children in need, including those with disabilities.

Building Brematson Disability Advocates from the ground up presented its share of challenges. In a society where disability organizations are predominantly not-for-profit, Scott faced skepticism and the need to establish trust and credibility as a private, for-profit business. However, through perseverance, success stories, and media coverage, she shattered the stigma surrounding for-profit disability organizations. Scott’s unwavering commitment to quality services, support, and advocacy has transformed perceptions, highlighting the importance of innovation and sustainability in creating lasting change.

Scott’s personal journey has also been marked by personal tragedies and adversity, including the sudden loss of her husband, mother, and brother-in-law within a span of 18 months. These experiences have tested her resilience and commitment, reinforcing her unwavering dedication to her family, faith, and business. Through it all, Scott has emerged stronger, more determined, and with a renewed sense of purpose.

As Brematson Disability Advocates continues to expand its reach and impact, Scott remains steadfast in her mission to create a more inclusive society. Her visionary leadership, unwavering dedication, and profound impact on the disability advocacy landscape position her as a true catalyst for change. By empowering individuals with disabilities, promoting inclusivity, and advocating for policy reforms, Scott has set a powerful example of what can be achieved when compassion, determination, and vision come together.

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