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Changing Lives One Trade at a Time

Everyone has heard the cliche “If you give a man a fish, he’ll eat for a day; if you teach a man to fish, he’ll eat for the rest of his life.” Few people, though, have the ability to help others learn a skill that will change the rest of their lives for the better. Masi Habibi is one of them.

Habibi, the founder of MasiTrades, gave up her corporate job in 2018 when she realised that she might have a future as an options day trader. It was not an easy path; as a woman, she took on a male-dominated industry without a mentor, and fought to find her way forward: “I traded for a year before I became profitable and lost a lot of money, but for some reason I never gave up.” Eventually, however, she was making far more than the men who had refused to help her when she was a novice. It was then that she began to consider sharing her inside knowledge with others.

“At first I felt awkward joining any Discord communities or trading groups,” especially because men in the field refused to take her seriously, “but once I got on YouTube and women started to learn from me how to break into such a male-dominated field, it motivated me even more.” It isn’t just that Habibi knows what to do, but that she also knows what not to do that allows her to reach her sizeable YouTube following. She doesn’t pretend that day trading isn’t full of the potential for failure, but she also knows how to inspire others to learn from mistakes without getting discouraged.

That is the philosophy behind MasiTrades; Habibi works with clients who want to learn, and who simply need the coaching and support that she lacked when she started out. Her success as a trader is remarkable, but even more remarkable is her ability to teach her clients how they, too, can achieve financial independence. As one of her students remarked, Habibi “has broken down day trading in a way that makes entry very easy. Otherwise it’s an impossible world to enter, navigate, and sustain successfully.”

According to Habibi, her “passion has really been teaching and guiding clients along their journeys to financial self-sufficiency.” It is a worthy goal, but would be an elusive one for someone with less skill. It is easy to hand out fish, but far harder to give others the ability to catch them. MasiTrades, under Habibi’s expert guidance, does just that, creating opportunities for others that didn’t exist when she started out, and changing lives for the better in the process.

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